Friday, October 19, 2012

Borges, El Revolutionario! (poem)

Preface: I have not written much in the last 2 months (since my last poem was posted) because I have been in constant motion, trying to barely scrape by financially, wanting to settle in somewhere, not knowing where or for what reason or how to begin. I was living on a farm in Mendocino County, California when I wrote this. It was inspired by a poem of Borges' that was used as the epitaph to my friend Kiran Desai's book, The Inheritance of Loss (which I recommend as an amazing portrait of the ghosts of colonialism in contemporary India, which I'm now looking at as an inspiration for my work in progress Continental Divide). It was also inspired by the restless, somewhat paranoid stirrings I've found rampant in Northern California. There seems to be a cultural split about the near future of America: either we're headed for the great Cosmic Consciousness Awakening that all spiritual beings have been praying for since the beginning of prayer...or we're headed toward something closer to the anarchic free-for-all perpetual civil war of Ciudad Juarez, a time defined by shortages of all necessities, perpetual drought and blight, rampant gun violence and a perpetual night of fear and suspicion. Which way we're headed, only time will tell. This poem addresses my feelings towards the current state of affairs.

Borges, El Revolutionario!

Walking gradually towards uncertain apocalypse
occasionally shedding nonessentials:
          old clothes, books I’ve already read, shoes.
the sound is disconcerting:
          ten thousand revolutionaries screaming
          to somehow get their platforms slipped in edgewise
                    the economy will collapse
                    ecosystems will collapse
the things we rely on like hinges in a door will one by one or all at once, all together, 

Or maybe not. 

Maybe it’s all just fine
        and this doomsday prophesy is just middleclass anxiety
        about identity and all of its unmentioned peripheral strings;
the seeping panic of a simple question,
the answer to which is either cosmological or arbitrary:
        given time and strength, what?

So I walk a nameless anybody with a voice now hoarse
        from declaring too many selves to unhearing, uncaring ears
with too many edits and hesitant reversals:
        a jerryrigged persona, whose day has finally come to be cashed;
the time of the body has passed 
the time of footprints in the snow is come
one pair
        trampled amidst ten thousand pairs
when every set of lips is a prophet in a world of one
and every action urgent
every ending imminent
within the long, 
         and lulling, 
                     meandering flow 
     of time.

9/18/2012 6:45 PM
Mendocino County, California


Michelle said...

I really love the line:

"when every set of lips is a prophet in a world of one"

Great job!!

Unknown said...

"The time of the body has passed." My life is changed:)
Missing you, much love.