Capitalism stands revealed in all its mediocracy. Such a mediocre way to treat anything and anyone. But also an ironclad evolution of fascism that maintains a subtlety no 20th century dictator ever remotely possessed the agility of thought to aspire. In short, capitalism is crowd sourced fascism (for those who think this is an assessment perhaps a bit extreme, think only of Smith’s “invisible hand of the market.” Is this truly different from the iron fist of Josef Stalin? I rest my case). The great posting board of those crowd sourced decisions? The media. It controls in a deep way our politics, our culture, our conceptions of ourselves, and most importantly, our consumptive needs. The media colors our politicians and it teaches us the most appropriate ways to relate to them. We live in a mediocracy. And it is, at best, mediocre.
In the name of our great God, The Economy, we are willing to sacrifice our health, our relationships, our ability to relate to others, and most importantly, our environment, the single most sacred thing upon which all that is alive is 100% directly dependant. We are willing to sacrifice this to consume both information (by way of technology and the media that populates it), and mass-produced goods that ultimately bring little extra comfort/happiness, and decimate the planet in their production.
The solution?
Before I go there, I would just like to take a moment to recognize the overly simplistic tongue-in-cheek assessment I have presented here. If my skills as an analyst were evaluated entirely by the content of this essay, I probably would not be allowed to graduate middle school.
But please, try to maintain a sense of humor about all of this.
The Solution!
Eliminate the Fed, eliminate all governments except local tribal councils, release standing Armies to flow freely (after all, we’ve all seen what happens to water when it stands in one place for too long; and yes, letting Armies run like rivers will probably result in incredible mass destruction [as a dammed river undammed] at first, but what a relief after the pressure ceases and everything returns to stasis. A time for renewal!), kill the media and restore the more timeless and relevant form in the history of society: neighborhood gossip, eliminate money and return to people kicking it together and scratchin’ one another’s backs, ban waste exporting so everyone has to face up to the shit they’ve created, communal food production for the community, locally sourced water (that’ll teach people not to poison their neighbors’ most vital resource), and so on and so forth.
Ban commerce except in the form of a barter economy. Ban imports and exports. If you want something, you’ve gotta travel to get it (travel is good for your character anyway). Ban polluting forms of transportation (if you want to go somewhere, you’ve gotta do it under your own manpower).
What else do we need? Ask yourself. Then ask why it’s so goddam pressing. Ha ha he he ho ho.
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