Thursday, January 5, 2012

Green Africa

So clearly I've never quite known whether this blog was meant to be for travel, philosophy, fiction, rants/politics, poetry, or what. I suppose it doesn't matter: it's just good to be writing, sharing, engaged. Well, now the time has come for me to add another dimension to it: advertising!

I'm currently working with the indomitable Bianca Griffith to populate her totally awesome Green Africa Conference (April 12-15, 2012) with ticket-purchasing representatives of the world's governments, academic fields, fundraisers, grassroots activists, industry professionals, etc - all descending on the tiny Gambia for 4 days of networking and collaboration to link the innovators and their technologies with the activists and activist governments and funders who have the power to make them the future of infrastructure. With the right kind of turn out, this could be a very significant event for 2012. Imagine if those who have solutions to make entire villages or even cities carbon free and autonomous were to meet the right angel doners or NGOs with the power/finance to transform entire zones from polluting and dependent to wholly green and self-sufficient. Now imagine if entire governments were to get clued in and had the power to implement sweeping reforms from the top down. The event will have speakers, but mostly in the form of demonstrations and hands on workshops, making it easy enough for the average person to feel empowered to make these kinds of changes for truly affordable costs. You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one. This possibility is not only real, it's urgent if the environment isn't going to be destroyed beyond repair.

So I'm trying to help her sell tickets to the event (and get a commission to help fund my own way to attend). Please visit the site and if you choose to purchase tickets, please drop my name to help fund my way!

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